Asking for It
Project Launch: July 2018
A series of pre and post-show workshops for young people explore the important issues raised by Louise O’Neill’s Asking for It. A free Study Pack is available to teachers and students so that the themes can also be explored in a classroom setting.
2018 Asking for It, Study Pack
Young Curators
Project Launch: March 2018

Young Curators 2018 © Mark Stedman
Young Curators is a unique training ground for those with a passion for theatre aged between 18 and 25. They attend various Irish festivals, starting with Cork Midsummer Festival, then work with our staff to programme their own festival – two weeks of work on the Peacock Stage.
Bereavement Project
Project Launch: December 2017

Bereavement Project 2018 © Abbey Theatre
In partnership with the Royal College of Physicians, Féilecáin and Patient Focus, we have created a series of workshops dedicated to helping trainee obstetricians and gynaecologists explore better communication and care for mothers who experience stillbirth.
These workshops, designed by Community and Education Manager Phil Kingston and facilitator Jenny McDonald, are based on interviews with both parents and health care professionals.
Playwright Tara McKevitt will write a piece of theatre inspired by this series of interviews to complement this project.
For further information on the Bereavement Project, please email
Project Launch: November 2017
The aim of 5×5 is to increase the range of voices on our national stages. We want to hear from communities who feel marginalised and silenced – we want to hear their stories. We call out to citizens in all communities to tell us about an idea or a project that they want to develop. Five artist groups are selected, supported with five days in the Peacock, technical assistance and €5,000 to cover the costs.
Each group has the option to present a work in progress showing at the end of the week if they wish.
Here are our 2018 and 2019 selected projects.
Project Launch: June 2017
In collaboration with The Complex Arts Centre we have been working with local womens’ groups who wanted to explore their experience of intimidation by loan sharks in Dublin’s North Inner City.
Playwright Tracy Martin has been present for this six month series of workshops and is writing a play exposing the reality of the participants’ lives.
Tracy Martin’s play, Dublin Will Show You How, will premiere on the Peacock Stage at the Abbey Theatre in April 2019. Find out more about the play here.
Photography © Paul McGrane