Morrison, Florence Abbey CareerActor during: 1928 NOTES: Visiting Company Member - Dublin Gate Theatre StudioAbbey Production Involvement RoleCharacterProduction Actor Saeter Girl Peer Gynt - A dramatic poem by Henrik Ibsen 1928 (Peacock) Actor Troll Maidens Peer Gynt - A dramatic poem by Henrik Ibsen 1928 (Peacock) Actor Mildred's Aunt The Hairy Ape 1928 (Peacock) Actor Sorcha (the Queen) Diarmuid and GrĂ¡inne 1928 (Peacock) Actor Herodias Salome 1928 (Peacock) Actor A Hag Six Stokers Who Own The Bloomin' Earth 1929 (Peacock) Actor Mavra The Power of Darkness 1929 (Peacock) Actor Sulla, a robotess R.U.R. - Rossum's Universal Robots 1929 (Peacock)