Carmichael, Coralie Abbey CareerActor during: 1929 NOTES: Visiting company member - The Dublin Gate TheatreAbbey Production Involvement RoleCharacterProduction Actor The Green Clad One Peer Gynt - A dramatic poem by Henrik Ibsen 1928 (Peacock) Actor Anitra Peer Gynt - A dramatic poem by Henrik Ibsen 1928 (Peacock) Actor Mildred Douglas The Hairy Ape 1928 (Peacock) Actor GrĂ¡inne Diarmuid and GrĂ¡inne 1928 (Peacock) Actor Salome, daughter of Herodias, Princess of Judea Salome 1928 (Peacock) Actor Another Woman Six Stokers Who Own The Bloomin' Earth 1929 (Peacock) Actor The Nurse Six Stokers Who Own The Bloomin' Earth 1929 (Peacock) Actor Anna Christopherson Anna Christie 1929 (Peacock) Actor Anisya Ignatich The Power of Darkness 1929 (Peacock) Actor Margery Halpin Juggernaut 1929 (Peacock) Actor Helena Glory R.U.R. - Rossum's Universal Robots 1929 (Peacock) Actor Helena, a robotess R.U.R. - Rossum's Universal Robots 1929 (Peacock) Actor The Other Ones The Old Lady Says No! - Originally titled 'Shadowdance' 1929 (Peacock)