Heap, David Abbey CareerActor during: 1990 - to date Abbey Production Involvement RoleCharacterProduction Actor Croucher The Silver Tassie 1990 (Abbey) Actor Stranger The Dreaming of the Bones 1990 (Peacock) Actor Director Catastrophe 1990 (Peacock) Actor Dreamer Nacht und Traume 1990 (Peacock) Actor Lewis Carroll Alice through the Looking Glass 2000 (Peacock) Actor White Knight Alice through the Looking Glass 2000 (Peacock) Actor Lewis Carroll Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 2000 (Peacock) Actor Mock Turtle Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 2000 (Peacock) Actor Dormouse Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 2000 (Peacock) Actor Mr. P. Foster The Race of The Ark Tattoo 2003 (Peacock) Actor Mr. Homer Phinney The Race of The Ark Tattoo 2003 (Peacock) Actor Mr. Homer Phinney The Race of The Ark Tattoo 2003 (Tour) Actor Mr. P. Foster The Race of The Ark Tattoo 2003 (Tour) Actor Performer Lippy 2015 (Peacock)