Simpson, Clara Abbey CareerActor during: 1973 - 2002 Abbey Production Involvement RoleCharacterProduction Actor "Wallflowers" The Scatterin' 1973 (Abbey) Actor Officers of the court, Jailer, servants and attendants. The Merchant of Venice 1984 (Abbey) Actor Crowd of Farmers, Spalpeens etc Souper Sullivan 1985 (Abbey) Actor Lady The Beaux Stratagem - Virtue at a Price 1986 (Abbey) Actor Dancers Ring Around the Moon 1986 (Abbey) Actor Susanna Wallcott The Crucible 1995 (Abbey) Actor Jill Vinegar and Brown Paper 1995 (Peacock) Actor Jill Vinegar and Brown Paper 1995 (Peacock) Actor Clara Con Cleverboots 1998 (Peacock) Actor King The Three Boxes 1998 (Peacock) Actor Brother 2 The Nettle Shirts 1998 (Peacock) Actor Mrs Haze Lolita (Vladimir Nabokov's screenplay adapted for stage) 2002 (Peacock) Actor Charlotta Ivanovna The Cherry Orchard 2004 (Abbey)