Reynolds, Leo (I) Abbey CareerActor during: 1971 - 1973 NOTES: Appeared at the Abbey courtesy of the Brendan Smyth Academy.Abbey Production Involvement RoleCharacterProduction Actor Children The Shadow of a Gunman 1971 (Abbey) Actor Children The Shadow of a Gunman 1971 (Abbey) Actor Children Arrah-na-Pogue - The Wicklow Wedding 1972 (Abbey) Actor Children Arrah-na-Pogue - The Wicklow Wedding 1972 (Abbey) Actor Children Arrah-na-Pogue - The Wicklow Wedding 1972 (Abbey) Actor Children Arrah-na-Pogue - The Wicklow Wedding 1972 (Abbey) Actor Children Arrah-na-Pogue - The Wicklow Wedding 1972 (Abbey) Actor Children Arrah-na-Pogue - The Wicklow Wedding 1972 (Abbey) Actor Children They Feed Christians To Lions Here, Don't They? 1972 (Peacock) Actor Children They Feed Christians To Lions Here, Don't They? 1972 (Peacock) Actor A Boy King Oedipus 1973 (Abbey)