O Dulchonta, Padraig Abbey CareerActor during: 1946 - 1948 Abbey Production Involvement RoleCharacterProduction Actor Amhranaithe, Rinnceoriri, Fhreastalaithe, Lucht Cuirthe Gormaigh Fernandó Agus An Dragan 1946 (Abbey) Actor Tom Cassidy They Got What They Wanted 1947 (Abbey) Actor John Corbet The Words upon the Window Pane 1947 (Abbey) Actor John Corbet The Words upon the Window Pane 1947 (Abbey) Actor Captain Daris The Great Pacificator 1947 (Abbey) Actor Corporal Stoddart The Plough and the Stars 1947 (Abbey) Actor Goll Mac Morna Diarmuid agus Grainne 1947 (Abbey) Actor Corporal Stoddart The Plough and the Stars 1947 (Abbey) Actor Fear na Casoige Baine Realt Diarmuda 1948 (Abbey)